Monday, October 31, 2011

Red Light Camera

Status on Red Light Camera Tickets: you may still get flashed in Los Angeles County. 

But does that mean you have to pay? 

I received a ticket on 6/30/2011. Unfortunately, they stopped enforcing them on 7/1/2011. 
Even though Viaragosa released a statement that red light ticket payments are "voluntary," the Court will still send a collection agency after you if you ignore the ticket! 

I spoke to an officer and a librarian at the Court to find out the status on these tickets. 

They recommended sending a Trial by Deceleration the minute you get the ticket. The case will likely be dismissed anyways. 
Once you've done that, you should be able to ignore the ticket.

1 comment:

  1. Great reporting, Seventeen!

    This is more useful information for traffic camera ticket recipient than LA Times has ever published, as far as I can tell.

    Real, actionable info!

    Keep it up pal!
